Two-Day Event Commemorating World Environment Day

Mountain Hub organized a two-day event to commemorate World Environment Day which took place from the 9th – 10th June 2023. The event was focused on tackling Plastic Pollution and was organized to raise awareness among people regarding the importance of protecting the environment and finding solutions to promote eco-friendly living.

Day One – Green Hackathon

The Green Hackathon was held on the first day of the event. Twelve teams participated in the 24-hour hackathon, wherein they brainstormed and came up with innovative solutions for Plastic Pollution.

Before the Hackathon began, two training sessions were conducted- the first by Patu Ndango Fen, who presented on Why Beat Plastic Pollution.

The second training session was delivered by Effansa Simon on Startup Hacks.

Both trainers were well-informed and engaging, shedding light on the importance of preserving the environment and being innovative about solutions for plastic pollution.

After the training sessions, the Hackathon began with teams hacking for 24 hours to create viable solutions to Plastic Pollution.

Day Two – Green Day

On the second day, the Green Hackathon ended with an opening speech from the CEO and Founder of the event, emphasizing the importance of innovative solutions in the fight against Plastic Pollution.

The first keynote speaker was Mr. Ndimuh Bertrand, a renowned conservationist, and the founder of Voice of Nature. He spoke passionately about the importance of conserving the environment and encouraged participants to commit to innovative solutions to combat plastic pollution.

The second keynote speaker was Foe Essomba, Municipal Councillor of Yaoundé 3, and a biotechnology engineer who spoke about the potential for biotechnology solutions in fighting plastic pollution. Following the keynote speakers, there was a panel discussion that centered on the role of entrepreneurship in reducing plastic pollution.

The discussion was engaging and insightful, with panelists exploring the ways in which entrepreneurs, technology, and innovation could be used to address the challenge of plastic pollution.

Finally, the Green Hack teams pitched their solutions to four jury members. The ideas presented were innovative and creative.

The two-day event was a success in raising awareness about the problem of plastic pollution and in showcasing the potential of innovative solutions to address this challenge. The event brought together stakeholders, entrepreneurs, and young people from all walks of life, and it generated a lot of excitement and enthusiasm about the possibilities for change.

The event was a call to action for everyone to do their part to reduce plastic pollution. Here are some things you can do to help

***See Report for Green Hack Yaounde Here.