Forming and Joining Teams

City Hack welcomes both individual participants and pre-formed teams. Try to build diverse teams with a mix of skills in areas like software development, hardware, design, business strategy, and domain expertise.
Tools for Networking and Finding Team Members

Browse member profiles on our site based on interests and skills

Join our City Hack Discord server to connect with other participants

Identify potential team members during opening networking activities

Post "Looking for Team" messages on the forum outlining your skills and ideas

Attend virtual networking mixers before the hackathon

Creating a Team Profile
Tools for Networking and Finding Team Members
Team name and photo

Member names, skills, backgrounds

Project idea(s) you plan to work on
Links to members' LinkedIn/Github accounts

Tech stack or hardware you plan to use

Ways other participants can get in touch to join your team

Share your team profile on the site and Discord to recruit additional members with complementary skills as needed.